io4edge Device Management

All io4edge devices support Device Management over Network for

  • Device Scanning
  • Device Identification
  • Firmware Update
  • Firmware Identification
  • Inventory Data
  • Device Reboot
  • Parameter Configuration


Although the device management functions can be used through the API provided by the Go client library, the easiest way is to use the io4edge-cli tool.

Download io4edge-cli

Notice On Moducop, the io4edge-cli is already installed in the Yocto image, download not required!

Download the latest io4edge-cli. Select in Assets the appropriate version:

  • io4edge-cli-vX.Y.Z-linux-amd64.tar.gz for Linux on standard x86 PCs
  • io4edge-cli-vX.Y.Z-linux-arm64.tar.gz or io4edge-cli-vX.Y.Z-linux-arm.tar.gz for Linux ARM systems

Info: Windows is currently not supported.

Download the file to your personal Downloads folder.

Get io4edge CLI

Set PATH Variable

Open up a terminal and install the CLI to the ~/bin directory.

$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ tar zxf ~/Downloads/io4edge-cli-v<version>-linux-<arch>.tar.gz -C ~/bin io4edge-cli
$ echo PATH="$PATH:~/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc

Verify that your PATH variable settings have been successfully by executing the io4edge CLI.

$ io4edge-cli version
io4edge-cli v0.1.6

Device Identification

Each io4edge device has a Device ID, which is used to identify the device in the network, see this section for details.

We recommend to set an application specific Device ID for all WLAN and Ethernet based io4edge modules, for USB based modules, this is not required, as a Device ID has been set in the factory.

You can change the Device ID with io4edge-cli if you know either the service address or the IP address of the io4edge device.

If the IP address is, change the Device ID as follows:

$ io4edge-cli -i program-devid my-device-id
Device id was set to my-device-id
Restart of the device required to apply the new device id.

The port number 9999 addresses the io4edge core server within the device.

Or if you know the service address:

$ io4edge-cli -d S103-MIO01-b4e31793-f660-4e2e-af20-c175186b95be program-devid my-device-id
Device id was set to my-device-id
Restart of the device required to apply the new device id.

Or read Device ID:

$ io4edge-cli -i get-parameter device-id
Read parameter name: device-id, value: my-device-id

On WLAN/Ethernet io4edge devices, you can change the Device ID via the USB attached SERVICE interface:

config> device-id my-device-id
Setting device-id to 'my-device-id'
A 'reboot' is required to activate the new setting!

Firmware Management

io4edge devices support firmware identification and updates over network.

Get Current Firmware Version

$ io4edge-cli -d S103-MIO01-b4e31793-f660-4e2e-af20-c175186b95be fw
Firmware name: fw_mio01_default, Version 1.0.0

Update Firmware

To perform a firmware update you need a Firmware Package, a file ending with .fwpkg. A firmware package contains the firmware binary and a manifest file. The io4edge-cli checks if the firmware is suitable for the device before loading it.

To update the device:

$ io4edge-cli -d S103-MIO01-b4e31793-f660-4e2e-af20-c175186b95be load-firmware fw-mio03-default-1.2.0.fwpkg

After the load has finished, the device is restarted and the firmware version after restart is displayed.

In case the update process fails, the device will automatically roll back to the previously working firmware version.

Hardware Identification

Each io4edge device has a factory programmed hardware ID consisting of

  • A product name (e.g. S101-IOU01)
  • A serial number (e.g. b4e31793-f660-4e2e-af20-c175186b95be)
  • A major version number(e.g. 1)

To read out the hardware ID:

You can display the hardware ID with io4edge-cli if you know either the service address or the IP address of the io4edge device.

If the IP address is, display the hardware ID as follows:

$ io4edge-cli -i hw
Hardware name: S103-MIO01, rev: 0, serial: b4e31793-f660-4e2e-af20-c175186b95be

The port number 9999 addresses the io4edge core server within the device.

Or if you know the service address:

$ io4edge-cli -d S103-MIO01-b4e31793-f660-4e2e-af20-c175186b95be hw
Hardware name: S103-MIO01, rev: 0, serial: b4e31793-f660-4e2e-af20-c175186b95be

On WLAN/Ethernet io4edge devices, you can display the hardware ID via the USB attached SERVICE interface:

config> hw-inv
Article: 'S103-MIO03', Major Version: 0, Serial: 'b4e31793-f660-4e2e-af20-c175186b95be'

Device Restart

To restart an io4edge device:

$ io4edge-cli -d S103-MIO01-b4e31793-f660-4e2e-af20-c175186b95be restart

On WLAN/Ethernet io4edge devices, you can reboot the device via the USB attached SERVICE interface:

config> reboot

After restarting the device, it can take up to 30 seconds until the device is available again.

Parameter Configuration

Some io4edge devices support configuration of parameters. The parameters are stored in the device and are available after a restart.

Get a parameter value:

$ io4edge-cli -d SIO02-1 get-parameter dynmodel

Set a parameter value:

$ io4edge-cli -d SIO02-1 set-parameter dynmodel automotive

Alternatively, multiple parameters can be set at once from a yaml file:

# parameters.yaml
dynmodel: automotive
$ io4edge-cli -d SIO02-1 set-parameter -f parameters.yaml

On WLAN/Ethernet io4edge devices, you can get/set device parameters via the USB attached SERVICE interface:

Usually, the commands to get and set parameters are simply the name of the parameter

Set a parameter value:

config> dynmodel

Set a parameter value:

config> dynmodel automotive

Typically, you must restart the device to apply the new parameter settings.