Connect ModuSio Service Interface to a Computer

Connect the SERVICE interface to a computer using a USB cable.

Find out the COM port number by starting the Windows Device Manager, check for Serial Device Silicon Labs CP210x:

Check Device Manager

Start a terminal program on the computer and connect it with the virtual COM port. The following examples are shown for putty:

Start Putty

Enter the COM port number from the Windows Device Manager in Serial Line, set Speed to 115200 and press Open:

The ModuSio Service Interface will be recognized as a serial device and will be named /dev/ttyUSB<NUMBER>. To find out the number, check the output of dmesg:

dmesg | grep ttyUSB
... cp210x converter now attached to ttyUSB0

Start a terminal program on the computer and connect it with the ttyUSB<NUMBER> device. The following examples are shown for picocom:

$ picocom /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200
Terminal ready


To leave picocom, type CTRL-A, followed by CTRL-X.