MIO07 Quick-Start-Guide

Establishing Host Connection and Power

ModuSio devices can be connected to the Network via Ethernet or Wifi. Please select the tab for your preferred option:

Ethernet: Network and Power Connection

When the MIO07 is connected to the host via Ethernet, the power should be provided via Power-Over-Ethernet.

ModuSio devices are Class 2 (3,84–6,49 W) PoE powered devices. Connect the ModuSio Device to a PoE source that can supply class 2 devices. ModuSios expect the PoE power as phantom power, i.e. using the Ethernet Tx and Rx pins.

PoE connection

The green LED on the MIO07 is turned on to indicate power is ok and firmware is up and running.

Initial Device Configuration

For initial configuration, connect the SERVICE interface to a computer via USB cable and start a terminal program. See Instructions for details.

Press Enter in the Terminal program, and you should see the config prompt:


Configure Device ID

To identify the device in the network, configure a device ID. This ID is used as the network hostname and as a prefix to identify the services provided by the device.

Each device in the network shall have a unique name. The name shall consist only of alphanumeric characters, - and _. Avoid blanks and special characters.

config> device-id MIO07-1
Setting device-id to 'MIO07-1'
A 'reboot' is required to activate the new setting!

Select Ethernet as Host Interface

Configure the device for Ethernet operation. The device is configured for Ethernet when it is NOT configured for Wifi. So we clear Wifi settings:

config> wifi-ssid ""
Delete wifi-ssid

You can ignore the message: Can't set wifi-ssid: ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND. This is normal if wifi has not been configured before.

Configure IP Address

The ModuSio needs an IP address in the network. It can be configured to use a static IP address or to use dynamic IP address, provided by a DHCP server.

Setup for DHCP

To obtain the devices IP address from a DHCP server, clear any static IP address setting:

config> static-ip ""
Delete static-ip

You can ignore the message: Can't set static-ip: ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND. This is normal if no static IP has not been configured before.

Activate the changes:

config> reboot
Setup Static IP

To use a static IP address, configure the IP-Address, Gateway and Network Mask using the static-ip command. The three parameters have to be specified as a single string, separated by colons (:), <ip>:<netmask>:<gateway>.

config> static-ip
Setting static-ip to ''
A 'reboot' is required to activate the new setting!

Activate the changes:

config> reboot
Connection Test

Now try to test the connection using ping from a computer in the same network as your device. Use the device ID of your device and append .local.

$ ping MIO07-1.local
PING MIO07-1.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=57.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=76.4 ms

Wifi: Network and Power Connection

When using Wifi, supply the ModuSio by a power supply, capable of delivering 12V..24VDC, 5W. Use contacts 5+6 and 7+8 to supply the power. Polarity doesn’t matter.

Wifi connection

The green LED on the MIO07 is turned on to indicate power is ok and firmware is up and running.

Initial Device Configuration

For initial configuration, connect the SERVICE interface to a computer via USB cable and start a terminal program. See Instructions for details.

Press Enter in the Terminal program, and you should see the config prompt:


Configure Device ID

To identify the device in the network, configure a device ID. This ID is used as the network hostname and as a prefix to identify the services provided by the device.

Each device in the network shall have a unique name. The name shall consist only of alphanumeric characters, - and _. Avoid blanks and special characters.

config> device-id MIO07-1
Setting device-id to 'MIO07-1'
A 'reboot' is required to activate the new setting!

Select Wifi as Host Interface

Configure the device for Wifi operation. You need the Access Point’s Name (SSID) and a password.

config> wifi-ssid <my-access-point-name>
config> wifi-pw <my-secret-password>

WARNING: It is not possible to connect to Access Points that don’t require a password.

Configure IP Address

The ModuSio needs an IP address in the network. It can be configured to use a static IP address or to use dynamic IP address, provided by a DHCP server.

Setup for DHCP

To obtain the devices IP address from a DHCP server, clear any static IP address setting:

config> static-ip ""
Delete static-ip

You can ignore the message: Can't set static-ip: ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND. This is normal if no static IP has not been configured before.

Activate the changes:

config> reboot
Setup Static IP

To use a static IP address, configure the IP-Address, Gateway and Network Mask using the static-ip command. The three parameters have to be specified as a single string, separated by colons (:), <ip>:<netmask>:<gateway>.

config> static-ip
Setting static-ip to ''
A 'reboot' is required to activate the new setting!

Activate the changes:

config> reboot
Connection Test

Now try to test the connection using ping from a computer in the same network as your device. Use the device ID of your device and append .local.

$ ping MIO07-1.local
PING MIO07-1.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=57.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=76.4 ms

Troubleshooting Wifi Connection

In case Wifi connection doesn’t work, enter reboot in the SERVICE console and check the log messages.

Look for messages beginning with wifi: and io4edge_net:. In case of success, you see something like

I (848) wifi:connected with my-access-point-name, aid = 1, channel 6, BW20, bssid = ...
I (2573) io4edge_net: Got IP Address
I (2573) io4edge_net: ~~~~~~~~~~~
I (2573) io4edge_net: ETHIP:
I (2574) io4edge_net: ETHMASK:
I (2574) io4edge_net: ETHGW:
I (2574) io4edge_net: ~~~~~~~~~~~

If connection establishment isn’t successful, you see periodically something like this:

I (6954) io4edge_wifi: Disconnected, reconnect

You can also scan for available access points. To enable wifi scanning, just set a dummy access point name:

config> wifi-ssid foo
config> reboot
config> wifi-scan
Total APs scanned = 2
                                    SSID RSSI Channel
                                  slinky -47   6
                            OfficeRouter -53   1

In this quick-start guide we will run a demo program to stimulate the MIO07’s binary I/Os.



  • A target machine running Linux that is in the same network as your MIO07
  • A development PC (Windows or Linux), connected via Network to the target machine

  • A laboratory Power Supply capable of supplying 5V..24V/200mA.

Tools on Development PC

The examples are written in programming language Go, we download the go sources and compile them. Therefore we need some tools on your development PC:

Get Demo Software

Clone the repository containing the examples to a folder of your choise (here myworkdir)

cd \myworkdir
git clone https://github.com/ci4rail/io4edge-client-go.git
cd io4edge-client-go
cd ~/myworkdir
git clone https://github.com/ci4rail/io4edge-client-go.git
cd io4edge-client-go

Binary I/O Demo

The Binary I/O demo will stimulate the binary outputs 1..4 of the MIO07 one after another. Please supply the first binary I/O group with 24V, so when the output drives a high level, the binary I/O pin has 24V, which in turn illuminates the corresponding LED.

You will see a running light on the 4 LEDs.


Plug a mating connector to the top connector of the MIO07.

Mating connectors for MIO07:

Connect the + and - pins of the first I/O group to your laboratory power supply which is set to a voltage of 18..36V.

Connection for Binary I/O Demo

Demo Software

Compile Demo

The demo must be compiled for the architecture of your target machine. Typical targets are:

  • modern x86 PCs: Architecture = amd64
  • RaspberryPi (32 Bit): arm
  • ModuCop: arm64

In the following examples, we use arm.

Run this in a powershell console

cd examples\binaryIoTypeC\blinky
$Env:GOOS = "linux"
$Env:GOARCH = "arm"
go build
cd examples/binaryIoTypeC/blinky
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build

This produces the binary file blinky in the current folder.

Copy Demo to target machine

Transfer the compiled binary. Replace <target-ip> with the IP address of your target machine.

scp blinky <target-ip>:/~

Running the Demo

Login into your target machine over SSH:

ssh <target-ip>

Once logged in into the target machine’s Shell, run the demo.

./blinky MIO07-1-binio

You should see now the first 4 LEDs of the MIO07 running.